Visitors & Volunteers


Lunch visitors must be on the student's approved check out list as submitted by the custodial parent or legal guardian.

The custodial parent or legal guardian must notify the school office by 9:00 AM on the day they, or any visitor on the student's check out list, is planning to attend lunch. Lunch Notification Forms should be submitted no more than one week in advance. Click on the link below to complete the form. 

Lunch Visit Notification Form (Formulario de Visitante del almuerzo)

Lunch visits are limited to two visitors per child.

The school principal or their designee, at their discretion, will have the authority to cancel lunch visits based on any issues they feel could impact their ability to provide the proper learning environment.

School rules to guide lunch visitors will be followed. These will include designated wait areas, instructions for meeting your student, no photographs or social media postings of other children, all outside food must be in containers that do not reference an outside food establishment, etc. The principal will have the authority to suspend or revoke lunch visit privileges at their discretion.

Upon arrival at the school, all visitors must report to the main office. Office personnel will facilitate the process for visitor registration. Visitors will be required to provide a valid government-issued ID/correspondence that will be entered into the Raptor Visitor Management System. Visitors will be issued a temporary ID badge that is to be worn while at the school.

  • Once successfully checked in, proceed to the seating area located outside the cafeteria.
  • Your student will meet you as their class enters the cafeteria.
  • We ask that you sit at the designated tables marked "visitor seating" with your student.
  • After lunch, please come directly to the office, sign-out, and return your visitor's badge. 

There are a limited number of dates throughout the school year when lunch visitors are not allowed. Please plan your lunch visits on days other than those listed below:

  • August 8 - September 3: The first three weeks of school
  • September 27 - Duty Free Lunch
  • October 25 - Duty Free Lunch
  • November 18-22: Thanksgiving Feast Week (Visitors are welcome with reservations to eat during their student’s designated time)
  • December 16-20: Holiday Celebrations and Early Release Day
  • January 31 - Duty Free Lunch
  • February 28 - Duty Free Lunch
  • ACCESS & ACAP Testing Dates: TBD
  • March 28 - Duty Free Lunch
  • April 25 - Duty Free Lunch
  • May 12 - 22: Last days of school
  • Select alternate lunch schedule days 

Class Parties

  • Visitors are limited to 2 adults per student and they must be on the student’s contact list.
  • Please refrain from bringing siblings to class parties.
  • Outside food should be store bought/pre-packaged.
  • Student birthdays will be recognized within the classroom. Please do not send food items, flowers, or balloons due to the possibility of student/staff allergies.

Other Guidelines Regarding School Visitors

  • Visitors must follow all school rules and stay in designated areas as determined by school.
  • Parents may not bring other non-school aged children to school while participating in school activities, school volunteer opportunities, field trips, and class parties.  
  • The principal may suspend or revoke the privileges of any visitors for failure to comply with the school rules or the requests of school personnel.
  • Principals will determine when visitors are allowed for school activities.


Keeping our students, faculty, and staff safe is a top priority. Pelham City Schools currently requires the successful completion of a criminal background check for those serving as a volunteer, chaperone, or other sponsor for K-12 activities. Please visit the Visitors & Volunteers section on the district site for details.

A background check is NOT REQUIRED for participation at -

  • open lunch sessions

  • scheduled class parties

  • athletic events or other extra-curricular events

  • scheduled school-wide events or performances

  • scheduled meetings and/or parent-teacher conferences

  • meetings of parent-teacher organization(s)

  • other exempted activities identified by the superintendent (or designee)